ML and CV - Day 1

It’s the beginning of my last graduate semester - Fall 2018 - at WPI. And after a long time of telling myself “wouldn’t it be great to have a portfolio site/a platform to present my major work?” I finally got around to making a pretty good start! :thumbsup:

Welcome to Shoop’s blog. I will first plan on using this portfolio website (created via Jekyll & Minimal Mistakes theme) to keep track of my notes and/or interesting learning experiences covering the following WPI courses:

  • CS 539 Machine Learning (ML)
  • CS 549 Computer Vision (CV)

Disclaimer: These are images/screenshots, random thoughts/notes, and some informal comments.

Day1: ML (08/23/18)


The course for this Fall semester is taught by Professor Kyumin Lee. And I learned that the course website is public, so that’s nice.

to be cont.

Day1: CV (08/27/18)


For this course, taught by Professor Michael Gennert, and the course contents are only accessible via the WPI Canvas page (so sadly, not public).

This lecture had a few slides covering the “history of computer vision”. At the time of me writing this (I just had the 2nd lecture of ML), in the second lecture of ML there were a few slides covering the “history of machine learning.” I feel like this semester will be more than a handful of deja vu moments.